Material forming technology - APS
2. Material solidification theory
Definition : 凝固是将固体材料加热到液态, 然后按预定的尺寸, 形状及组织形态再次冷却至固态的过程。
2.1 Properties
- Shape change
- Appearance
- Latent heat of solidification
2.2 Nucleation
- Solidification start at stable crystal particle – Prokaryote;
- spontaneous nucleation : no foreign interface and particle uniform melt
- non-spontaneous nucleation: without above
- Nucleating agent : Si2O3,V,Nb;
- Inoculant : FeSi。
2.3 Growth
Segregation : in solidification chemical composition is uneven
- Micro : inside and outside difference
- Macro : bigger than the grain
2.4 Defect
step growth : spiral->spiral growth->3d step
2.5 Application
Mold filling capacity control
fill the mold , get the shape complete and figure clear casting
shrink control : liquid, solidification, solid
Defect control:
sinkhole缩孔(凝固等温线, Inscribed circle内切圆), shrinkage缩松 ( macro, micro), deformation变形, segregation 偏析, 裂纹, Slag Inclusion夹渣, blow hole 气孔, cold shut冷隔
方法 : riser冒口, chiller 冷铁 ( 减少部分收缩不均, 同时收缩 )
2.6 Ceramic powder alloy
工艺 : raw material ->pressing ->sintering烧结
3. Material forming heat process
Definition : 从热度角度来描述一个材料成形工艺过程 ( 热变化过程 )
3.1.Welding heat process
- Fusion welding熔焊 : 局部加热升温->熔化->冷却焊接
- Solid state welding : 局部加热呈塑性状态, 加压冷却焊接
- Solid and liquid welding ( Soldering ) : welding wire melted, weld on the object
3.2 Fusion welding properties
- heat source is concentrated
- welding part has large temperature gradient, heating is uneven
- heat source is usually moving
3.4 Thermal efficiency & Temperature field
Thermal efficiency : $\mu=\frac{Q}{Q_0}$
welding temperature filed :
$T=f(x,y,z,t)$line : $T=f(x,y,t)$
surface : $T=f(x,t)$
Influence factor
- Source type : electric arc, fire, laser
- parameter: speed, and heat power
- material : $\lambda,c’=c\rho,a=\frac{\lambda}{c\rho},H比焓,\alpha$
- shape
4. Plastic forming
4.1 Cold state plastic forming
4.1.1 intracrystalline plastic deformation(main)
- Slip : 指晶体crystal在力的作用下, 晶体的一部分沿一定的晶面surface和晶向orientation相对于晶体的另一部分发生的相对移动 ( 滑移面, 滑移方向 )
- Twinning : 晶体在剪应力shear stress作用下, 晶体的一部分沿一定的晶面和晶向发生均匀切变
4.1.2 Between the crystal deformation
grain slide rotate晶粒之间相互滑动和转动, 当剪应力足以克服晶粒之间阻力时, 发生相对滑动
4.1.3 Influence
- structure : grain shape, 位向, substructure , metallographic structure
- property change : work hardening加工硬化 ( 变形后金属硬度, 强度$\uparrow$, 塑性, 韧性$\downarrow$, 纠缠错体, 相变硬化(QP钢, 奥氏体变马氏体)
4.2 Hot state plastic deformation
- reason : in slip, twin, among slide
- Soften :
- softening :
- dynamic recovery
- dynamic recrystallization
- Residual heat :
- static recovery
- static recrystallization
- in : sub dynamic recrystallization
- softening :
- influnece
- improve grain structure
- estimate defect锻合内部缺陷
- break carbide and improve its distribution破碎并改善碳化物和非金属夹杂物在钢中的分布
- form fibrous structure
4.3 Stress field (slip line)
5. Consolidation forming
Definition : 金属材料焙化后注入与拟成形零件相适应的模具空腔中, 冷却后获得所需要的零件
• structure凝固组织的形成与控制;
• defect铸造缺陷的防止与控制;
• precision铸件精度控制。
5.1 Metal materials
5.1.1 Cast iron
- Grey
抗拉强度<铁, 塑性韧性=0, 不可锻, 焊接差
铸造性能优良, 切削性能好, 减震, 耐磨, 缺口不敏感
生产导轨, 滑动轴承
Ductile iron
力学约=铁, 近灰口
阀门, 曲轴齿轮, 可取代钢
Vermicular graphite cast iron
耐高温, 导热性好, 抗氧化
化工管道, 汽车的汽缸, 排气管
malleable cast iron
- white cast iron
- mottled cast iron
5.1.2. cast steel
5.1.3. cast non iron alloy
铅Hg, 镁Mg
5.2 Technology
tech, properties, application
5.2.1 Sand casting
- almost all几乎适用于所有大小复杂零件
- 可单件小批量可大批量
designs :
pouring position
parting surface
- riser
- chiller
- core
- compensate shrink补偿收缩
- adjust temperature distribution调整铸件凝固时的温度分布
- sum up air and residue /slag排气集渣
- watch filling condition观察充型情况
- adjust local chill speed调整局部冷却速度
- improve hardness, strength提高强, 硬, 延展
- control chill order控制铸件的凝固顺序
5.2.2 Metal mold casting
金属预热$\rightarrow$喷涂料painting $\rightarrow$ 合模$\rightarrow$浇注$\rightarrow$凝固$\rightarrow$抽芯$\rightarrow$开模$\rightarrow$切割浇口$\rightarrow$零件
- multiple times
- high precision
- save place and material
Use: large amount and complicated shape
5.2.3 Pressure casting
模具预热$\rightarrow$喷涂料$\rightarrow$合模$\rightarrow$压射$\rightarrow$保压凝固$\rightarrow$开模$\rightarrow$取件, 去流道
- high efficiency
- high precision
- complicated shape
- for different material
- expensive
5.2.4 Low pressure casting
- pressure is adjustable, speed also浇注压力, 速度可调,适用于金属型, 砂型, 熔模型可锻造
- prevent shrink hole and shrinkage有效防止缩孔, 缩松
- surface quality > metal mold铸件表面质量>金属型
- high material utilization材料利用率高达90%
5.2.5 Investment casting
易熔材料制成模型$\rightarrow$模型涂挂耐火材料fireproofing material $\rightarrow$ 硬化外壳$\rightarrow$模型熔化$\rightarrow$焙烧roasting $\rightarrow$放入砂箱$\rightarrow$浇注$\rightarrow$冷却取件$\rightarrow$后处理
- no parting surface
- high precision精度和表面质量高
- alloy 适用于各种合金铸造
- single or amount可单件可批量
- high costing, complicate progress材料成本高, 工艺复杂, 生产周期长, 难以实现自动化
- wide application, special for craftsApp面广, 特别适于工艺品
5.2.6 Centrifugal casting
Definition : 利用离心力填充铸型并凝固的方法
- Fea
- no core and pouring system可省去型芯和浇注系统
- texture compact铸件组织致密
- filling well充型能力强, 适合于流动性能差的材料铸造
- 便于双金属铸造
- the inside hole is rough内孔公差大, 粗糙
- use for round pipe
6. Plastic forming tech
- plasticity of metarial
- judgement
- inside field unkown
- shape information precisely input。
6.1 Volume forming
6.1.1 Forging
Definition : 通过金属体积的转移和分配来获得机器零件毛坯的塑性成形方法
free forging
- upsetting锻粗
- drawing out拔长
- punching冲孔
- reaming芯轴扩孔
- swaging芯轴拔长
die forging
- open (with fin)
- closed ( no fin )
工艺 ( 开式 ) : 下料$\rightarrow$镦粗/拔长$\rightarrow$预锻$\rightarrow$终锻$\rightarrow$切边
6.1.2 Pressing
Type : hot, warm, cold, forward, backward, 复合
工艺 : 下料$\rightarrow$退火annealing $\rightarrow$制坯$\rightarrow$镀润滑层cladding lubricating layder $\rightarrow$挤压$\rightarrow$去应力destressing
allowable deformation degress : 在模具强度允许的条件下, 一次挤压加工容许的变形程度
- mold structure, material strength材料强度
- pressing methode挤压方式
- blank surface roughneess
6.2 Flat forming - sheet metal forming
6.2.1 Blanking
Definition : 利用模具使板料产生分离的冲压工序
落料blanking : 从板料上冲下所需要形状的零件或毛坯
冲孔 punching: 在工件上冲出所需要形状的孔
变形过程 : elastic 弹性变形阶段$\rightarrow$塑性变形阶段$\rightarrow$fracture断裂阶段
Stress state
断裂顺序为 : E>A, $\sigma_3$为主动力, E开裂后, $\sigma_3$剧增, A断开
section feature: 圆角fillet( main孪生 ) , bright band ( 孪生滑移交替 ) , tear tape ( 微裂纹, 撕裂面 ) , glitch
6.2.2 Bending
Definition : 将板材, 棒料或型材弯成一定形状和角度的方法
- 弹性$\rightarrow$塑性$\rightarrow$成形
- rebound : positive, 0, negative
6.2.3 Deep drawing
excess triangle
draw times and coefficient
$$m=\frac{d}{D}=\frac{d_1}{D}\cdot\frac{d_2}{d_1}\cdot\frac{d_3}{d_2}\dots\frac{d}{d_n}=m_1\cdot m_2\dots m_n\cdot m_{n+1}$$
7. Welding technology
principle, types, feature, app
• deformation (residue stress & residue austenite);
• defect (crack, 未焠透, air hole, slag inclusion);
7.1 Typical arc welding
7.1.1 Manual arc welding
- Pro : use electric arc between welding rod and component, make them locally melt and solidify after cooling
- Fea
- easy use, and highly compatible,
- low cost
- high craft required
- Welding rod= covering+welding core
- Covering
- Protect from air
- remove the S
- continuous burning
7.1.2 Submerged arc automatic welding
- Pro : arc under the flux焊丝与焊件之间的电弧是埋在颗粒状助焊剂下
- Fea :
- high efficiency
- weld good quality
- good work environment
- mainly use for flat welding, low flexibility
7.1.3 TIG Tungsten Inert gas welding
- Pro : 钨电极在氩气的条件下, 电弧熔化焊接
- Fea
- alienate air氩气比重大, 有效隔绝空气, 不参与化学反应, 几乎可以焊接所有金属
- stable burning 直流正极性电弧 ( 工件+, 钨极- ) 即使电流很小, 仍能稳定燃烧, 特别适合于薄板燃烧
- no slag, good quaility明弧无渣, 可见性好, 焊接质量好
- current small钨电极所承受的电流小, 耐热性好
- Inert gas is expensive惰性气体较贵, 成本高
7.1.4 GMAW Gas metal arc welding
- Pro : under gas protect welding气体保护下, 连续送进焊丝, 电弧焊接, 常用CO2
- Fea
- High efficiency
- low costing
- low energy cost
- wide application
- anti corrosion , good quality
7.2 Pressure welding and soldering
ERW electric resistance welding
friction welding
- soldering
- spot welding
7.4 Stress and deformation
- Design :
- symmetry weld
- Misplace
- Change welding method
- Crafts :
- right melding remove
- heat
- low energy welding
- mechanical method
8. Surface forming and strengthen Tech
Definition : material coverage and satisfy other requirement
一种在零件材料的表层制备一层与其性能不同, 能满足特定使用要求的材料覆盖技术
• design particulate surface texture and structure for requirement
• the method to get this texture
• merging 涂层与机体的结合;
• 涂层的材料与结构。
8.1 Surface failure : fatigue, corrosion
8.2 Thermal spraying
- 工艺 : 金属加热熔化melting $\rightarrow$high speed air spray as small particle以高速气流雾化成极细颗粒$\rightarrow$ high speed spray on component surface 高速喷射到事先准备好的零件表面
- Bonding mechanism
- mechanical机械结合
- metallic bond金属键结合
- small melt 微熔合, 微扩散
- structure Feature
- Nonuniformity涂层结构的不均匀性
- Porous 涂层的多孔性
- Oxidation film涂层中大量的氧化膜
- inside stress涂层内应力
8.3 Surface strengthen Principle and App
8.3.1 Solid
- 表面形变强化shape : shot blasting ( work hardening )
- 表面相变硬化phase : 淬火quenching ( martensite )
- 化学热处理chemical heat treatment : 渗碳carburizing, 渗氮nitrizing
- 表面镀层Surface cladding material
8.3.2 Liquid
表面处于液态, fast alloying, 组织成分变化, 提高性能
9.Powder metallurgy forming
9.1 Crafts
Powder make粉末制取$\rightarrow$forming成形$\rightarrow$致密化compact
- 成形 : 配料$\rightarrow$熔化$\rightarrow$空气雾化$\rightarrow$过筛$\rightarrow$干燥$\rightarrow$混料$\rightarrow$炉内还原$\rightarrow$粉碎$\rightarrow$过筛$\rightarrow$粉碎$\rightarrow$过筛$\rightarrow$混料$\rightarrow$过筛$\rightarrow$包装
9.2 Make powder
- Physical : shot blasting, atomization
- Chemical : precipitin沉淀, electrolytic process电解
- Mechanical : grind
9.3 Powder forming
- Pressure压力成形 : mold模压, forg锻造, 挤压, 注射
- no pressure无压成形 : 粉浆汽注, 无压充型, 浆料涂覆
9.4 Sintering
- 早期颗粒通过原子扩散粘结在一起
- 原子向颈缩部分大量迁移使烧结长大, 颗粒间隙的通道光滑化, 通道和孔隙封闭成球形空洞
- 较小的空间变小消失, 烧结体收缩, 密度$\uparrow$
- 末期小孔间消失, 大孔之间粗化长大
10.Plastics forming
10.1 Composition , Type和成形方法
- Composition :
- Resin : 天然树脂, 人工合成树脂
- Additive : 稳定剂, 填充剂, 增塑剂, 着色剂, 固化剂
- Type : 热塑Thermoplastic, 热固Thermosetting ( 不能加热回收再利用 )
- Forming: pushing molding注射成形 ( 挤出成形, 吹塑成形, 模压成形 )
- 物理化学变化 : 纤维方向 ( 各向异性, 收缩率 )
10.2 Craft and mold
- Craft : 塑料粒子的塑化 $\rightarrow$ 注射充模$\rightarrow$保压凝固$\rightarrow$开模落料
- 设备 : 注塑机injection molding machine, mold
- 模具结构 : 动模+定模 ( 共6件 : 型腔, 导向机构, 浇注系统, 顶出机构, 侧抽芯机构, 冷却系统 )
10.3 Plastics welding
Thermoplastic ok