Electrotechnology - Electronic Technology - APS
1. Semiconductor
1.1 Type
Intrinsic semiconductor
charge carrier : electrons & electron hole
carrier too less
extrinsic semiconductor
N : add P phosphorus
- electrons more
P : add B boron
- holes more
1.2 PN Junction
- Forward bias : with current
- Reverse bias : approximal no current
1.3 Diodes
- forward voltage : Si 0.7
reverse voltage
use for protect, regulate voltage
1.3.1 Zener diode
1.3.2 LED
1.3.3 Photodiode
1.4 Transistor
- base
- collector
- emitter
1.4.1 Principles
1.4.2 Properties
- Dead V :
- Si : 0.5
- Ge : 0.1
- $U_{BE}$
- NPN Si 0.7V
- PNP Ge -0.3V
- none work
Ib>0, Ube>0.5
- linear area
- $I_C=\beta I_B$
- $U_{BE}=0.7V$
- $U_{BE}=0.7V$
- $U_{CE}=0.3V$
1.4.3 Parameters to work right
- $I_{CM}$ : or $\beta$ decrease, still work
- $U_{CEO}$ : maximum between c/e
2 Amplifying circuit
2.1 Common emitter amplifying circuit
Superposition Principle
2.2 Static analysis
2.3 Dynamic Analysis
2.3.1 Calculation
- $r_{be}=200+(1+\beta)\dfrac{26(\rm mV)}{I_E(m\rm mA)}\Omega$
- $I_E$ : emitter static value
- Gain : $A_u=-\beta\dfrac{R_C}{r_{be}}$
- Big input R : $R_B\/\/r_{be}$
- Small output R : $R_C$
2.3.2 Draw
Q too high$\rightarrow$Saturation distortion
Q too low$\rightarrow$Cutoff distortion
2.4 Voltage divider bias circuit
$R_E$ stabilize $I_C$
$C_E$ stabilize Q
2.5 Common collector amplifier circuit
2.6 Differential amplifier circuit
Zero drift, 2 direct connect
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
- Source
- Gate
- Drain
3. Operational Amplifier
3.1 Application
Positive-feedback applications
Negative-feedback applications : inverting amplifier
3.2 Add and Minus
Superposition Principle
- Add
- Minus
4. Feedback
Output connect with Input
- local feedback
- Interstage feedback
- AC feedback
- negative : decrease amplify factor, increase other like factor stable
- DC feedback : stabilize Q
- series : compare with voltage
- parallel : compare with current
- voltage : stable output v, decrease input R
- current : stable output i, increase output R
- Negative feedback direct judgement
5 DC regulated power supply
5.1 Rectifier circuit
Single-phase half-wave rectifier circuit
- $U_O=\dfrac{\sqrt2}{\pi}U=0.45U$
- $I_D=I_O=0.45\dfrac{U}{R}$
- $U_{RM}=\sqrt2U$
Single-phase full-wave rectifier circuit
- $U_O=\dfrac{2\sqrt2}{\pi}U=0.9U$
- $I_O=0.9\dfrac{U}{R}\I_D=\dfrac{I_O}{2}$
- $U_{RM}=2\sqrt2U$
Single-phase bridge rectifier circuit
- $U_O=\dfrac{2\sqrt2}{\pi}U=0.9U$
- $I_O=0.9\dfrac{U}{R}\I_D=\dfrac{I_O}{2}$
- $U_{RM}=\sqrt2U$
5.2 RC Filter
choose $\tau=RC\ge(3\sim5)\dfrac{T}{2}$
5.3 Regulator circuit
use zener diodes
5.4 3 Terminal Voltage Regulator
- W7805 (W78XX)
- W117
6. Gate circuit
6.1 Signal
analog signal
digital signal
- rectangular signal
- apex signal
6.2 Logic gate
- and : Y=ABC
- or : Y=A+B+C
- not : $Y=\bar A$
- nand : $Y=\overline{ABC}$
- nor : $Y=\overline{A+B+C}$
6.3 TTL Gate Circuit
- 74LS20 4in2gate
- 74LS00 2in4gate
6.4 Tri-state gate
6.5 Logical algebra
6.6 Logical function
logic formula
logic state table
logic graph - carnot graph
6.7 Design
- Logic abstract
- Logic state table
- formula
- graph
6.8 Adder
6.7 Encoder & Decoder
8line-3line encoder 3line-8line74LS138
8421 decoder
74LS147 binary$\rightarrow$decimal
7. Multivibrator
7.1 Bistablemultivibrator
7.1.1 RS
- type1 [$\rm \overline{SR}$ NAND latch]
type2 [SR NOR latch]
controllable [Gated SR latch]
7.1.2 JK
2 controllable RS
1 question : 1 change in CP=1
- if $Q_{n-1}=0$ : S=J, R=0,$Q_n=1/Q_n=Q_{n-1}$
- if $Q_{n-1}=0$ : S=J, R=0,$Q_n=1/Q_n=Q_{n-1}$
7.1.3 D
7.1.4 T
T=1, T’ latch
7.2 Register
temporarily save data
digital r
- parallel input
- parallel output
shift r
- serial input
- parallel output
7.3 Counter
7.3.1 Binary
7.3.2 Decimal
7.3.3 74LS290
binary quinary decimal