Introduction to Portal and Offshore Engineering Technology and Equipment - APS
课程内容Engineer from ZPMC
海工装备概论 Drilling Platform
固定平台conventional fixed platforms【*00meter】【Continental shelf】
- 导管架Jacket platform
- 张力腿Tension Leg Platform: cheaper than Spar
自升平台self-elevating platform
半潜式平台semi-submersibles: 锚泊定位系统Anchoring positioning system
钻井船Drill ship: 自动动力定位系统Automatic dynamic positioning system
Spar Platform【600-3000】
- 耙吸式
- 链斗式track
- 抓斗式Like a excavator, grab
- 铲斗式Bucket Ladder Dredgers
- 绞吸式Cutter suction dredger:Straw with Mixer on the top, break stone, suck the sand and stone away,
自动化码头Automated terminal
- AGV:Automated Guided Vehicle
- Onboard System
- Navigation
- Layout Designing: Stationary System
- Guidance: magnet, optical, laser
- Stationary System: manage all agv, what they are doing, where, is work right,
- Onboard System
- AGV:Automated Guided Vehicle
铺管船Pipelaying ship
- L-Lay/J-Lay
- S-Lay
波浪补偿技术Wave compensation technology
- 主动initiative
- 被动passive
动力定位【钻井船】Dynamic positioning system: stable at one point
- 目前的平台分布
- 资源分布
表层洋流:change with latitude, that’s why Wave Compensation Techology
海洋中层洋流:温盐洋流, Argo device, NCC-GODAS
like underwater detector, jiaolong hao