Theoretical Mechanics B - APS
1 Statics
1.1 Force
- modulus
- direction
- effect point
- Soft body constraint : belt
- Smooth contact surface : gear meshing
- Hinge
- Chain constraint
- Fixed end constraint
- bearing
1.2 Concurrent force system
all force start at one point
1.3 Torque & Couple
- point
axis : parallel part = 0
sum : vector sum
two force same length, reverse direction, the effective line parallel, the combination of the two torque
put any where
1.4 Any force system
rigid body
1.4.1 Force translation
1.4.2 Simplify
- FR: major vector, free of position
- M : major torque
- FR=0,M≠0 : change with position
- FR≠0,M=0
- FR≠0,M≠0
- perpendicular : sum force to another O
- parallel : spiral Force
- same direction : dextral
- reverse : sinistral
- combination : to another point of spiral force
1.4.3 Distributed load
1.4.4 Center of gravity
1.4.5 Force system balance
1.5 Application
1.5.1 Truss
Node : 2 unknown can resolved
zero chain
Cutting section : 3 unknown can resolved
1.5.2 Friction
static friction : Fmax=fsFN
- fs : coefficient of friction
kinetic friction : Fk=fkFN
- fk<fs
angle of friction : tanθ=fs
- auto lock
Overturn or slide
Roll resistance : Mf=δFN
- pure roll Fs<Fmax,M=Mf
2 Kinematics
2.1 Particle
Rectangular coordinates
Natural coordinates
2.1.1 Velocity composition
- Implicated motion
- Relative motion
2.1.2 Acceleration composition
- Coriolis acceleration
- →ac=2→we×→vr
2.2 Rigid Body
- translation
- rotation
Plane movement
- speed synthesis
- speed projection
- instantaneous center
acceleration : →aB=→aA+→aBAn+→aBAt
3 Dynamics
3.1 Particle motion differential equation
Newton law
- Inertial system
- Non-inertial system
3.2 Centroid motion theorem
two inference
3.3 Momentum theorem
- momentum p
- impulse I
3.4 Angular momentum principle
- Moment of inertia : J
- Parallel axis theorem
- Radius of gyration : ρ
- angular momentum
- unit : kgm2/s
Rigid body fixed axis rotation differential equation
Rigid body plane motion differential equation
3.5 Kinetic energy theorem
3.5.1 Work for different force
- Weight : W=∫(−G)dz=G(z1−z2)
- Spring : W=k2(δ21−δ22)
- Gravity : W=Gm0m(1r2−1r1)
- Rotation : W=φ2∫φ2mdφ
3.5.2 Kinetic energy
- Translation : T=12mv2
- Fixed axis rotation : T=12Jzw2
- Combination : T=12mv2c+12Jcw2
3.5.3 Kinetic energy theorem
3.5.4 Potential Energy and Mechanical energy conservation
- Potential E
- weight: V=mg(z−z0)
- spring : V=12kδ2
- gravity : V=−Gm0mr
- Mechanical energy conservation : T1+V1=T2+V2
3.6 Collision
Recovery factor : e=v′2n−v′1nv1n−v2n,0≤e≤1
impulse and angular momentum
Heart collision
- e=1
- e=0
collision center : h=Jzma
- a : rotation center to centroid
3.7 D’Alembert’s principle
add inertial force, make dynamic problem to statics problem
Inertial force system simplify
Major vector : FI=−mac
Major torque : MO(FI)=−dLOdt
3.8 Virtual work principle
generalized coordinates : make sure the position→dof
3.8.1 Virtual displacement
small movement δr
geometry : instantaneous center
analytic : get position function
3.8.2 Principle of virtual work
3.8.3 Generalized force balance
lock other virtual displacement
3.9 General kinetic equation & Lagrange equation
General kinetic equation
Lagrange equation