Embedded System - APS
Basic concepts
Any device contains microprocessor,like digital clock, hand phone, electric appliance
Short History
Embedded system : MIT Whirlwind
- flight simulation
- 1940s
Embedded device : calculator
- first Intel 4004
- 1970s
Main Properties
- Complicated and special calculation
- real-time feedback
- low power and energy consumption
- sensor information input
- direct control motor or relay
- communication between chips and outside
CPU, Flash, memory, I/O port, function module (beeper, digital tube), Auxiliary circuit( connecting ), power
- Clock, interrupter and other function part initialize
- communication inter chip or with outside program
- power manage program
- system application algorithm
Communication technology
Inter chips
SPI (4 lines) Serial Peripheral Interface
- 1 to multiple
- full duplex
- SDI : data in
- SCLK : clock
- CS : 片选
I2C ( 2 lines, half duplex ) ( synchronous serial ) 8/10bit
- Master发起START
- Master发送I2C addr ( 7bit ) 和w操作0 ( 1bit ) , 等待ACK
- Slave发送ACK
- Master发送reg addr ( 8bit ) , 等待ACK
- Slave发送ACK
- Master发送data ( 8bit ) , 即要写入寄存器中的数据, 等待ACK
- Slave发送ACK
- 第6步和第7步可以重复多次, 即顺序写多个寄存器
- Master发起STOP
RS232 ( asynchronous )
- RS232 : 3-15V 1,-3~-15 0
- RS422 : 差分
- RS485 : 差分, 2-6 1, -2~-6 0
- Ethernet
- circuit symbol
- electronic parameter
- footprint
Resistance value
resistor color ring 4/5/6
Digital symbol
“XXn” : $XX\times 10^n {\rm\Omega}$
R: decimal pointFootprint
Paster ( length, width$\mu m$ )- 1mil=0.0254mm, round up
- 0603 60 and 30mil
| inch | mm |
| :–: | :–: |
| 0201 | 0603 |
| 0402 | 1005 |
| 03 | 08 |
| 04 | 10 |
| 05 | 12 |
| 06 | 16 |
| 08 | 20 |
| 10 | 25 |
| 12 | 32 |
| 18 | 48 |
| 20 | 50 |
| 25 | 64 |
PCB Print Circuit Board
Electronic connection between components
- printed wiring
- boding pad
- through hole
CCL Copper-clad plate
sheet copper on insulating material
- single sided board
- double sided board
- multilayer boards
Layer definetion
Double layer
- GTO Gerber Top Overlay : text explain
- GTS Gerber Top Solder : green oil
- GTL Gerber Top Layer : electronic connect
- GBL Gerber Bottom Layer
- GBS Gerber Bottom Solder
- GBL Gerber Bottom Layer
- GKO Gerber KeepOut : shape forming
- DRL : drill hole
Multilayer +Midlayer Internlayer
- Midlayer 1 G1 : 1st electronic connect
- Midlayern Gn : nth electronic connect
- Internlayer 1 GP1 : 1st information connect
- Internlayer n GPn : nth information connect
Make PCB
- film push
- develop
- exposure
- etching board
- wipe out
Hand welding
- Soldering iron
- cleaning sponge
- solder wire
- rosin
- solder wick : remove redundant soldering tin
- heat gun
- tweezer
surface smooth and blink, the cross section like moon
PCB Design
EDA Electronic Design Automation Softeware: Altium Designer :au:
Cadence Allegro,OrCAD :us:
EAGLE :de:
Design Flow in AltiumDesign
Schematic diagram design
- New project
- graph size choose A4, A3
- Set up component symbol library, choose component
- Circuit design, draw schematic diagram
- check design rule
- choose footprint
- create BOM Bill of Material
PCB diagram design
- draw new footprint
- Design PCB shape, size[Keepout Layer]
- 选择单位尺寸
- 选Keepout Layer
- Place命令绘制边框
- Design->Board Shape制作
- Input Schematic file information : Design->Input Changeds From…
- Layout [modularity, functionalization]
- set up wiring rule
- manual[first choose layer], automatic
- Draw symbol description ( Overlay layer )
All Step
- 建立PCB项目(.PCBPRJ)
- 设计电路图(.SCHDOC)
- 为电路图中所有元器件选择适合的封装
- 确定PCB板形状, 尺寸和非布线区域(固定位置等)(.PCBDOC)
- 编译导入元器件,并分别设置各个模块中 元件在板上的位置
- 手动/自动/半自动布线(电源地点/线可不布)
- 生成敷铜层
- 增添接地点
- 在上下OVERLAYER层添加文字图形说明
- 将生成的 FOOL.PCBDOC文件送出,生产样品(打样)
- 焊接制作PCB板,测试功能正确性和完整性。若有问题则返回1重新开始
- 设计完成后根据设计记录文件写出相关设计技术文档
Digital tube
Basic concepts
- definition : object use information to communicate
- Object : any creature or functional system
- Communication way
- human language
- Computer Protocol
- protocol format
- sequence progress
ISO OSI Open System Interconnection
Application | User port | HTTP / FTP / DNS |
Presentation | data encode/decode | ASCII / JPEG / MP3 |
Session | distinguish data | NETBIOS, WINSOCK |
Transport | reliable/unreliable data transmission | TCP / UDP |
Network | routing | IP,ARP |
Link | bit$\rightarrow$frame | SDLC / HDLC |
Physical | send bit flow | 232 |
transmission media
wireless, wired ( optical fiber /twisted-pair )
Protocol : RS232
point to point
framing : end with wrong check
检错FCS Frame Check Sequence
- 奇偶校验位Parity Bit
- 校验和Checksum
- CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
透明传输 转译ESCape字符
7E$\rightarrow$7D 5E
- 7D$\rightarrow$7D 5D
Routing way
- 版本 : 4 Bit
- v4 : 4个字节
- v6 : 16个字节, 128 Bit
- 首部长度 : 4 Bit
- 区分服务
- 总长度
- 标识
- 生存时间Time To Live : 8 Bit
- 协议 :
- OSPF(Open Shortest Path First开放式最短路径优先 )
- 首部检验和 : 16Bit+
- 源地址 : 点分十进制
- 目的地址 :
Process, Task communication
Port to port communication
1024-65535, [IP,PORT]
- 动态分配
其他方式 : pipe管道通信, 共享内存
熟知端口号 : 0-1023
- 80 : 服务器–总台,
- 开新进程 : 连接copy版
- 21 : 邮件
- 80 : 服务器–总台,
- 登记端口号 : 1024-49151
- 客户端口号 : 49152-65535
- DOS攻击
- 用完导到另一个服务器
TCP Transmission Control Protocol[Reliable]
打电话, 双方
全双工 : 同时相互发送
UDP User Datagram Protocol[unreliable, no response]
- 信, 到达时间和与否不知道
- 效率高
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
- netassist.exe
- uartassist.exe