Design of Mechanics - APS
1. Design criteria
- Strength c
- Stiffness c
- Life c
- Vibration stability c
- Reliability c
2. Component Strength
Failure: can not reach working requirment
Damage $\rightarrow$ Failure
2.1 Load Classification
2.2.1 Load Classification
- static l
- variable l
- periodic
- aperiodic
- Nominal l : F
- Actual l
- Calculated l : $F_{ck}=kF$
- k : load factor
2.2.2 Stress Classification
- Static Stress $\leftarrow$ Static l
- Variable Stress $\leftarrow$ S/V l
- periodic s
- aperiodic s
- regular s
- irregular s
2.2.3 Stress
- Stress ratio : Cycle characteristics $r=\dfrac{\sigma_{min}}{\sigma_{max}}$
- $-1\leq r\leq1$
- One-way asymmetric cyclic stress
- Static s
- Pulsating cyclic stress
- Bidirectional asymmetric cyclic stress
- Symmetric cyclic stress
2.2 Component Design Criteria
$\sigma\leq [\sigma]=\dfrac{\sigma_{lim}}{[S]}$
$\sigma_{lim}$:Ultimate s
- Static s
- Ductile material : $\sigma_{s}$ yield Strength
- Brittle material: $\sigma_b$ ultimate Strength
- Variable s
- $\sigma_{rN}$ Fatigue limit
- Static s
$[S]$:Safety factor
2.3 Fatigue strength
2.3.1 $\sigma-N$ Fatigue Curve
- CD : $\sigma^m_{rN}N=C$
- D : $\sigma_{rN}=\sigma_\infty$
- $\sigma_{rN}=\sigma_r \sqrt[m]{\dfrac{N_0}{N}}\\quad=K_N\sigma_r$
- $K_N$ : Life factor
- m : experiment 6-20
- $N_0$ : 10^6 magnitude
2.3.2 Equal life Curve A’G’C
- A : r=-1, s.c.s
- D : r=0, p.s
A’G’: $\sigma_{-1}=\sigma_a’+\varphi_\sigma\sigma_m’$
CG’ : $\sigma_m’+\sigma_a’=\sigma_s$
2.3.3 Comprehensive influence coefficient
- $k_\sigma=1+q_\sigma(\alpha_\sigma-1)$ : Effective stress concentration factor
- $\varepsilon_\sigma$ : Size f
- $\beta_\sigma$ : Surface quality factor
- $\beta_q$ : Enhancement factor
2.3.4 Component AGC
3. Key
Sunk Key
- Flat Key
- Woodruff K [Torque]
- Taper
Saddle Key
4. Threaded connection
4.1 Parameter
- d : Major diameter
- $d_1$ : Minor diameter
- $d_2$ : Pitch diameter
- P : Pitch
- $P_n$ : lead
- $\alpha$ : angle
- $\phi$ : flank angle
- h : depth
4.2 Connection
- Bolt
- Stud
- Screw
4.3 Force analysis
Preload $F_0$ - Wrench
- Reamer bolt : $F=\dfrac{F_\sum}{zz}$
- normal : $F_0\ge \dfrac{K_s F_\sum}{fzi}$
- $K_s$ : Skid resistance coefficient
- z : number
- i : number of joint surface
- f : Coefficient of friction
- Reamer Bolt : $F_{max}=\dfrac{Tr_{max}}{\sum r^2}$
- normal : $F_0\ge\dfrac{K_sT}{f\sum r}$
Axial : $F=\dfrac{F_\sum}{z}$
Overturning moment : $F_{max}=\dfrac{ML_{max}}{\sum L^2}$
No gap
4.4 Strength
Loose b : $\sigma=\dfrac{F}{\pi d^2_1/4}\le[\sigma]$
Tight b
- $C_b$ : Bolt Stiffness
- $C_m$ : Material Stiffness
- $\lambda_b$ : Bolt Elongation
- $\lambda_m$ : Material Elongation
- $F_1$ : Residual preload
- up $\Delta F\downarrow$ : $C_b\downarrow, C_m\uparrow,F_0\uparrow$
Shear force
$\sigma_p=\dfrac{F}{d_0L_{min}}\le[\sigma_p]\\tau=\dfrac{F}{\pi d^2_0/4}\le[\tau]$
4.5 Material
Q235, 35, 45
15Cr, 40Cr
4.6 Allowable stress
5.Belt drive
simple, absorb vibration, Overload protection
transmission ratio is unstable
5.1 Classification
- flat
- V
- Toothed
- Rund
5.2 V-Belt Parameter
- Cross-sectional area
- thickness
- width
- wedge angle
5.3 Force Analysis
- $F_e$ : effective pull
- Ultimate $F_1=F_2e^{f\alpha}$$\rightarrow F_{ec}$
5.4 Stress Analysis
- Tensile stress
- Bending stress
- Centrifugal tensile stress
5.5 Design
- Pca=KaP
- Work factor
- V belt type : ABCDE YZ(Pca, n)
- recalculate n$\rightarrow$v
- set center distance a $\rightarrow$ L from kind
- P$\rightarrow$number z
- Pca, z,v$\rightarrow$F0
- $F_p=2zF_0sin\frac{\alpha}{2}$
5.6 Material
5.7 V Pulley
- 0-2.5d : Solid
- 2.5d-300mm: Web
- 300-400:Orifice plate
- 400+ : Spoke
6. Gear
- Gear accuracy :12
- Pressure angle : 20
- Soft tooth surface <2=350HBS/38HRC
- HBS : Hardened steel ball
- HRC : 120degree diamond cone
6.1 Material
- Forged steel: 20CrMnTi
- Cast steel
- Cast iron
- Non-metal
6.2 Force Analysis
- Circumferential force Ft
- Radial force Fr
- Axial f
6.3 Design
6.3.1 Root bending fatigue strength [Hard]
- tooth shape f Yfa$\leftarrow$Modification coefficient
- Stress correction factor Ysa$\leftarrow$Modification coefficient
- Coincidence coefficient $Y_\varepsilon$
6.3.2 Tooth surface contact fatigue strength [Soft]
- Regional coefficient Zh
- Elastic influence coefficient
- Coincidence coefficient Z
6.4 Design
Contact Fatigue Strength$\rightarrow$d
adjust the smaller Index circle diameter
Root bending strength$\rightarrow$m
- adjust m
get the final d1 d2, a
helical gear
- add Helix angle coffeint in RBS, and TCS
- add $cos^2\beta$ in RBS
7.Worm gear
- $\eta=\eta_1\eta_2\eta_3$
- engagement friction
- bearing friction
- Splashing oil
7.1 Classification
- Cylinder
- ZA
- ZN
- ZI
- ZK
- ZC
- Cone worm
7.2 Parameters
- mt=ma : end modulus, axis modulus
- $\alpha_t=\alpha_a $:pressure a, za=20 nik
- $tan a_a=\dfrac{tan a_n}{cos\gamma}$
- gamma :Lead angle
- q=d1/m for worm
- z1:1,2,4,6
- a
7.3 Material
- Worm
- high speed : 15Cr 20Cr + carburization, Quenching 渗碳淬火
- low speed : 40 45, temper
- Worm Wheel : Cast tin bronze
7.4 Strength design
like gear
8. Bearing
8.1 Classification
- Sliding
- Rolling
- Thrust bearing
- Radial bearing
8.2 Rolling
- 1 Self-aligning ball bearing
- 2 Spherical roller bearing
- 3 Tapered Roller Bearings
- 5 Thrust ball bearing
- 6 Deep groove ball bearing
- 7 Angular contact ball bearings
- forward assemble
- backward assemble
- N Cylinder Roller
- NA Needle Roller Bearing
8.3 Bearing code
Type- width- diameter- inside diameter- contact angle - Tolerance level- clearance
8.4 Life
C : rated dynamic load
- radial
- axial
Derived axial force $F_d$
8.5 Accessories
- Retaining ring
- Felt ring
9. Coupling
- Rigid coupling
- Sleeve 套筒+key
- Flange coupling 凸缘
- Flexible coupling
- Universal coupling 万向
- Gear
- Jaw
- Tire
10. Axis
10.1 Classification
- T
- W
- TW
- Crankshaft
- Straight axis
- Step axis
- stick
10.2 Component
- key
- Retaining ring
- End cap
10.3 Calculation
Bending Moment & Torque
W : Bending section coefficient