Engineering Material - APS
1. Mechanical Properties of materials
Tensile test: $F-\Delta L$,Dumbbell
1.1 Elasticity/Stiffness
- $\sigma_p$ : proportional limit, MPa
- $\sigma_e$ : elastic limit
- $E$ : Elastic Modulus, $1.9-2.2\times10^5$MPa
- $E=\dfrac{\sigma}{\varepsilon}$, $\sigma=\dfrac{F}{S_0}$, $\varepsilon=\dfrac{\Delta L}{L}$
- stress/strain
1.2 Strength
must at static, anti deformation,fracture
- $\sigma_s$ : yield strength
- low-carbon steel : see
- $\sigma_{r0.2}$high-carbon steel : 0.2% Residual elongation, conditional yield strength
- out of work condition, the size change
- $\sigma_b$ : ultimate tensile strength
1.3 Plasticity
Elongation /Cauchy strain
$\delta=\dfrac{L-L_0}{L_0}\times 100\%$
- 5%
Shrinkage of the Section
1.4 Hardness
Brinell Scale : HB S/W
- Soft : low-carbon steel, non-ferrous alloy
- Hardened steel sphere/ alloy sphere
- $HB=0.102\dfrac{F}{S}$
Rockwell Scale : HR B/C/A, hard to soft
- 120 degree diamond spheroconical : C/A
- steel sphere : B
Vickers hardness
- thin, component
- a right pyramid with a square base136 degree
1.5 Impact test
Impact energy : $A_k=G(H_1-H_2)$
Impact toughness : $a_k=A_k/S$
1.6 Fatigue strength
- $10^7$ : steel
- $10^8$ : non-ferrous alloy
2. Metal crystal structure and crystallization
- crystalline
- noncrystaliine
2.1 Crystal structure
The atoms/ions/molecule of the crystal are periodically arranged according to a certain geometric law.
- Ordered sort
- Anisotropy (Isotropic)
- fixed melting point
2.2 Unit cell
- lattice 晶格
- lattice parameters
- bode-centered cubic structure, bcc, chromium, alpha-iron(<912 degree)
- face-centered cubic structure, fcc, copper, gamma-iron(912<<1394)
- hexagonal close-packed structure, hcp, sliver
- number of atoms per cell
- APF, the atomic packing factor, =Sum of atomic volumes/Volume of cell.
- CN, the coordination number配位
- closed-packed plane
- closed-packe direction
2.3 Crystal Defect
point defecet
- vacancy
- interstitial atom
- impurity atom
linear defect
- edge dislocation
- screw dislocation
- the more, the strength down
planar defect
- grain boundary
- subgrain boundary
- Polycrystalline : real material
- grain
- grain boundary
2.4 Crystallization
2.4.1 Thermodynamic conditions
- $T_0$ : melting temperature
- $<T_0$ start nucleation
- $T_n$ : real,
- $\Delta T=T_0-T_n$
- $\Delta T+\Delta G_v>latent heat$
2.4.2 Progress
- nucleation
- homogeneous nucleation
- heterogeneous nucleation : Impurity
- Size->control
- $\Delta T$ : pos
- impurity : neg
- vibration : neg
- growth
- closed-packed plane
- like tree
2.4.3 Casting
- chill zone : $\Delta T$, impurity
- columnar zone : grow in the direction, that t changes the most
- central zone : $\Delta T$
3. Binary alloy and Phase Diagrams
- alloy system : 2 (more) element
- components / elements
- compounds
3.1 Phase Structure
- Solid solution
- interstitial solid solution
- substition solid solution
- Hardness, strength$\uparrow$
- Compound
- Non-metallic compound
- matallic compound
3.2 Binary phase diagram
3.2.1 Isomorphous phase diagram
freezing range
Lever rule
interdendritic seregation晶内偏析
homogenization heat treatment退火扩散
Equilibrium crystallization 平衡结晶
- Thermodynamic equilibrium
3.2.2 Eutectic phase diagram
eutectic reaction
- E : eutectic point
- CED : solidus, 3 phase
CF,DG: solvus, secondary phases
Eutectoid reaction
4. Iron carbon alloy
- carbon steel
- cast iron
4.1 Phase diagram
Ferrite : alpha-iron, solid solution
- strength, hardness so-so low, plasticity toughness so-so high
Austenite : gamma-iron, solid solution
- hardness low, plasticity high
Cementite : $Fe_3C$, compound
AECF : solidus
ECF : eutectic line
PSK : eutectoid line
A : iron melting point
D : $Fe_3C$ melting point ss
C : $L=^{1148^\circ}Le(A_E+Fe_3C)$
S : $A=^{727^\circ}P(F+Fe_3C)$
- $Le’=(P+Fe_3C_{II}+Fe_3C)$
4.2 Carbon steel
4.2.1 Impurity
- :star: :star: Mn manganese : $\downarrow$ brittleness, $\uparrow$hardness, strength
- :star:Si silicon : $\downarrow$ plasticity, toughness, $\uparrow$ hardness, strength
- :no_entry::no_entry: S sulfur : $\uparrow$ brittleness, high T
- :no_entry: P phosphorus : $\uparrow$ brittleness, low T
4.2.2 Classification
- <0.25 : low carbon steel, 15, Q235
- 0.25-0.6 : medium carbon steel, 45
0.6 : high carbon steel, T10, T12
structural steel : low medium
tool steel : high
$Q$ : structural steel, $\sigma_s=235MPa$
- 45 : good structral steel, 0.45% C
- T12 : tool steel, 1.2%
- ZG230-450 : minial,$\sigma_s/\sigma_{r0.2}=230MPa,\sigma_b=450MPa$
5. Metal plastic deformation and recrystallization
5.1 Single crystal plastic deformation
[Main] Slip
- Shear stress
- inside
- the distance = distence between the atoms
- along closed-packed plane and closed-packed direction
- slip direction $\uparrow$, plasticity$\uparrow$
- when slip hard
5.2 Polycrystal plastic deformation
defend more> single
- grain boundary
- grain finer
- defect less
- inside stress
5.3 Influence of Metal
- structure
- Fibrous tissue 纤维组织
- Substructure : linear defect
- Texture : Anisotropy
- Capability
- Working hardening :
- hardness,strength $\uparrow$, plasticity,toughness$\downarrow$
- linear defect $\uparrow$
- Working hardening :
- Residual internal stress
- Macro, deformation
- grain, uneven deformation, flaw
- linear defect, vacancy, working hardening
5.4 High T influence
- recovery
- h.s little$\uparrow$, p little$\downarrow$
- remove 1.2 residual internel stress
- Stress relief annealing
- recrystallization
- recrystallization temperature
- recrystallization annealing
- grain growth
6. Heat treatment of steel
when solid, heating, holding, cooling to change structure
6.1 Critical temperature
- Lag
- calefaction
- refrigeration
6.2 Heating
6.2.1 Austenitizing
- P$\rightarrow$A, $Fe_3C\rightarrow$A,
- crystallizatioin$\rightarrow$ growth$\rightarrow Fe_3C$ dissolved $\rightarrow$ Homogenization
6.2.2 Control grain size
- T, t : pos
- Speed : neg
- C : neg
- alloy
- Al, Ti : neg
- Mn, P : pos
6.3 Cooling
Supercooled austenite : under A1 austenite
- continuous cooling transformation
isothermal transformation
Time-Temperature-Transformation [Eutectoid steel]
P Pearlite : A1-650
S Sorbite : 650-600
T Troostite : 600-550
B Bainite: 550-Ms
M Martensite : Ms-Mf
Continuous-Cooling-Transformation [Eutectoid steel]
- P : Ps-Pf
- M : under Ms
CCT right down of TTT
6.4 Normal heat treatment
Annealing : heating, holding, stove cooling
- lowen strength for cutting
- remove residual inherent stress avoiding fracture
- refine grain for next
- full / partial : less eutectoid
- spheroidizing : over eutectoid
- diffusion / relief /recrystallization : casting
normaling : GSP + 30-50, air cooloing
- uniformize / homogenize structure & hardness
- remove residual inside stress
- for next step
quenching : Ac1/ Ac3, get martensite, water cooling for carbon steel, oil for alloy steel
- hardenability : ability get M, $v>v_k$
tempering : under A1, holding, M+Ar
after quenching
remove residual inside stress
150-250 tempered M, 60 HRC
350-500 tempered T, 40 HRC
500-650 tempered S, 30 HRC
temper brittleness
- avoid this T
- fast cooling
6.5 Surface treatment
- surface quenching
- face : h.s
- inside : p.t
- chemical heattreatment
- carburizing : after normaling
- nitriding : after mill, >carburizing
- carbonitriding
7. Alloy steel
add alloy, eutectic point right move, S,E left move
- carbon steel : not good enough at strength, hardenability, stability after normaling
7.1 With iron
- increase A area : Ni, Mn, Co, help get A
- decrease A area : Cr, V, B
7.2 Strengthening
- Solid solution strengthening : add alloy, defend slip
- Dispersion strengthening : unsolved in base body
- Working hardening : add resistance of
- Grain boundary strengthening
7.3 Alloy structural steel
structure steel + Mn + V + Cr
- bridge
- s.p.t $\uparrow$
- low T cutting
- melding
- anti corrosion
- Q345
Carburized steel + Cr +Mn+Ni +B
- Gear
- surface h. resist wear
- inside enough s.p.t
- variable force
- 20Cr
Quenched and tempered steel +Mn+Si+Cr
high h. good p.t
- 65, 60SiMn
7.4Tool steel
- Cutting tool steel : W,V
- hardness
- wear resistance
- Red hardness
- low alloy tool steel : 9SiCr
- high speed steel : W18Cr4V
- Die steel
- cold-working die steel : 9SiCr
- hot-working die steel : 5CrMnMo
7.5 Special steel
- Stainless steel + Cr Ni
- Refactory steel and oxidation-resistant steel + Cr+Mo+W+V