《断舍离》 - 读书笔记 DanShaRi - Book Notes

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引言 Introduction

Recently, when I was learning Minimalism, fortunately I had the privilege to see a book called Danshari.
When I first saw the name, I felt full of charm and thought it must have a very interesting origin. Sure enough, this is the author Yamashita Yingzi, who began to learn yoga during her university years. Through yoga, she drew on the philosophy of practice of “Dan, Sha, Ri” and named it “danshari”. The content of the book almost subverts a person’s way of life, and more importantly, the practice of life wisdom.


Let’s get to the point and see if there are any situations in our life as follows:

  1. 一个东西不需要的时候总是出现,需要的时候弄死找不到。
    Something always appears when it is not needed, and it can’t be found when it is needed.
  2. 身边的杂物越堆越多,却怎么都丢不掉,因为“舍不得”、“好可惜”;
    More and more clutters are around you, but you wouldn’t throw them away, because you “grudge” and “feel pity”.
  3. 不断地买新东西,怎么都停不了手,因为“万一没有……”、“总有一天会用到”,“因为这是重要的人送我的”
    Continuous shopping for new things, and can not stop, because “in case there is no…” “It will be used one day”, or because “it was given to me by an important person.”
  4. 想把屋子收拾干净却迟迟不肯行动,因为收拾“很麻烦”、“费时间”;箱子柜子总是塞得满满的,甚至担心一打开它就会出现天崩地裂的惨象。
    You always want to clean up the house but hesitate to move, because cleaning up is “very troublesome” and “time-consuming”; the box cabinet is always full, and even fear that once it opens, there will be a tragic phenomenon of earth-shattering.

If you are at home now, please look around…

A New Idea

In the book, the author makes a detailed analysis and solutions to the above phenomena. She promotes “danshari” and defines “danshari”:

A way to make life more comfortable, by tidying up things to understand themselves, tidy up their inner chaos.
Dan = Cut off what you don’t need to get into your home.
Sha = Abandon the rubbish that flooded the house.
Ri = Get away from the obsession with things, and be in the free space that you can control.

解决方法 Solutions

思想改变 Change of mind


1. What you don’t like is that you should abandon it.

Since I don’t like it, why should I force myself to use it?
I’m afraid you’ll be ashamed if someone gives you something in a mess or something that doesn’t match you. Or, even if you’re used to those things and don’t particularly realize it, subconsciously, you’re usually ashamed of it.

Abandonment here does not necessarily mean throwing something into the trash can. For something of value (to others), it can also be sold in second-hand stores or given to friends to make the best use of it. This is also the idea of “making full use of resources” in Danshari. After all, what you can use is different from what you use.


2. Some things will cause greater losses if they are not abandoned.

Some people are reluctant to throw away things, always feel regrettable that they will use them in the future.
Ask yourself: The things you grudge to throw away, are they 11.5 out of 12 months useless?
In fact, only 20% of all your items are of real value and still functioning. And most of the time, these 20% are enough to cope with life. In other words, if only 20% of the items are left behind, only once in five times will be bothered by uselessness (the time of use should also be considered here, so the bother will be less (0.5/12)). But if you keep that 80% of the items, it will be much more bothered.
The more things there are, the easier it is for people to fall into the “must manage” state, and they will always force themselves to clean up. But once people get busy, they can’t tidy up all the time, which eventually leads to the state of things flooding everywhere.
Think about these “losses caused by not throwing things” and you’ll feel much better.


3. Look at yourself in the eyes of a third party

If you want to change your living environment, you must first make a diagnosis and look at your home in the eyes of others. For example, when you go to someone else’s house, if the other person’s house is in a mess, you will think “it’s totally unreasonable.” But the people who live in the house, they can’t see the real situation at home, so they can live in it indifferently. Just think about it. When you get home, you may unexpectedly find that your home is similar.


4. Danshari is not to make us more industrious.

Because we are not good at collecting, we cut down on items; because we hate cleaning, we don’t put things in places we can see, so that we can relax.


5. Looking to the Future

有些东西也许是值得纪念的,也许承载着巨大的情感能量,但把无法发挥原本作用的物品放在一边置之不理,或者,明明根本不在意那个东西,却因为某些感情而留着它,你喜欢这样的自已吗? 说不定送你东西的人早就忘掉了呢。
Some things may be memorable, or they may carry huge emotional energy, but if you put something that can’t play the original role of things aside, or, clearly you do not care about that thing at all, but because of certain emotions and keep it, do you like it? Maybe the person who gave you these things has forgotten it long ago.
所以,我们要学会向前看,舍弃那些承载着负能量的物品。A New Start is an adventure!
So, we need to learn to look forward and discard the things that carry negative energy.

行动改变 Change of behaviour


1.Start Small

If tidying up a room may sound like a headache, you can start with a desk or even a drawer.


2. Try to use something higher than your self-image

Items can be mapped to an unknown self.
Change what you use every day but not easy broken,or even if it’s broken, into something of higher taste. (It will be mentioned later)

3. 7-5-1 原则

Invisible accommodation space can only be filled up to 70%.

Visible accommodation space can only be filled up to 50%.

Visible accommodation space which is showed to others can only be filled up to 50%.
artistic talent needed, left to the reader’s own imagination

关于“断舍离”的更多思考 More thoughts on “Danshari”

精髓 Quintessence


进阶幸福 Happiness

Dan,Stop negative thinking patterns;
Sha,Subordinate to your own heart, give up the existing;
Ri, let go of the idea of “more is better”.

自我提升 Self-improvement

看清自己 See yourself clearly

Through constant choice, the last things left are something that conform to your own characteristics, so that you can see yourself more clearly.

使自己更有品味 Make yoruself more tasteful

The objects a person uses can reflect his or her self-image. In my subconscious mind, I seem to be very afraid of those high-priced, high-quality goods. I feel that using cheap things is just right and appropriate. This means that I have a bad habit of self-depreciation.
The subconscious self-image improves when you no longer feel uncomfortable with some advanced things in your daily life.
注意: 高级的东西不一定就是贵的东西,贵的东西也不一定是高级的东西。
Note: Advanced things are not necessarily expensive things, expensive things are not necessarily advanced things.

看待问题态度的改变 Changes in attitudes towards issues

Be more aware of what you need (spiritual level).

向未来 Towards the future

To the future, live a different self.

更多看不见的变化会发生 More invisible changes will occur

Life is richer, family is more harmonious, and so on.
These are all surprises that need to be discovered urgently. Have a little expectation!

I really want to do “theme reading”, but I have read too few books QAQ.